What is the main function of reservation?

The main function of the reservation is to offer an opportunity by which people who have been called to serve in a particular capacity prepare themselves adequately before assuming that role.
Reservation is a process of identifying resources, jobs, places, or privileges for a particular race that has been discriminated back by other races in society. In its main work, reservation has the purpose of helping these disadvantaged groups to be included and participate in various spheres.
There are several key functions that reservation aims to serve:
1. Promote Equality of Opportunity
Reservation can also be defined as an important goal of ensuring that those social groups that have been discriminated against for centuries have an equal chance in society. These categories include SC (Scheduled Castes), ST (Scheduled Tribes), and OBC (Other Backward Classes) among others and these people have for a long time been discriminated against, denied equal economic opportunities, and marginalized by society and its systems.
Reservation does so far these barriers to some extent by providing reservations in legislatures, government jobs, and educational institutions. This ensures that marginalized groups have a voice in the decision-making system as well as an equal chance in society. In the long run, it has the potential to narrow the otherwise widening social and economic disparities between the excluded people and the rest of society.
2. Enhance Social Justice
Reservation aims at providing the deprived sections with an opportunity to get resources and positions and this way it works towards the promotion of social justice in the society. Those who have been on the receiving end of injustices for generations have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making processes of their societies and take up their rightful places in public offices.
Reservation is an endeavor to ensure that opportunities that prevail in society are fairly distributed for the groups that have always been marginalized in society. Although not a perfect system, reservation contributes positively to the maintenance of the principles of social justice and substantive equality in the Indian democracy.
3. Affirmative Action for Advancement
Reservation is a kind of affirmative action that has been put in place to ensure that the interests of the backward societies not represented are being furthered. It is a realization that legal non-discrimination in the code is insufficient to counteract the effects of discriminative practices that pervaded society for so long.
The state helps disadvantaged groups by correcting through reservation the relation between them and the society, or by giving them resources, opportunities, and representation so that they can uplift their status in social, economic, and political realms. It assists the oppressed groups and provide them enables them to decide on their fate and progress in life.
4. Boost Participation and Representation
The advancement of reservation straight up increases the participation of the excluded groups in different legislative assemblies and the employment and education sectors by reserving certain positions for them. This is important because such a democracy can hardly be said to be healthy and capable of addressing the needs of the people if a sizeable proportion of the populace has no say in the key institutions that shape policies.
This can lead to increased representation of SCs, STs, and OBCs in the administrative processes and decisions which in turn can make governance more responsive to SCs, STs, and OBCs' needs and issues. Reservation has the intention to bring out a set percentage of the institutions in India on par with the diversity of Indian society.
5. Address Cumulative Obstacles
Reservation understands that non-discrimination is insufficient for groups that experience the combined effects of a lifetime disadvantage because of past and present discrimination. In this way, reservation can counteract centrifugal forces and their equivalents that marginalize and peripherialize weak groups and communities.
By such measures as reservation, there are the chances that inequality gaps will decline over generations as many opportunities will be made open to the backward classes due to the advantages that reservation has granted them.
6. Enable Equality of Results
Reservation is thus a step more than the principle of equality of treatment. It wants to ensure that the competition outcome is fair, that is, parity in the field for the disadvantaged groups. Whereas, Formaequality is used to maintain the existing order, reservation on the other hand is used to disturb social orders that create inequality of results.
To achieve these quantifiable outcomes, the government believes that opening educational and employment quotas for SCs, STs, and OBCs will be more equitable. Thus, over time, reservation can lead to real equality which is referred to as substantive equality.
Fundamentally, reservation seeks to address and correct the social injustices experienced by certain marginalized communities within society by increasing their representation. It attempts to secure employment opportunities and equality, advance their socio-economic status, and empower them for their good through the affirmative action policy. Although the efficacy of reservation system has not been very effective in practice it is still one of the major strategies to empower the lower section of the society in India and to ensure the provision of inequality in the constitution.
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